I have read many books about cannabis. While they all contain a great deal of information and guidance, they can be difficult to understand and often require previous knowledge of the science of cannabis.
My guidebook is for anyone who wants to discover the health benefits of cannabis, its therapeutic properties, the science of the human endocannabinoid system, safe consumption methods, and more!
In the back of this guidebook, you will find a reference section with names of books and films as well as web addresses that provide more in-depth details of all the topics. Reading the books, watching the presentations and films, and visiting the websites are all excellent ways to further your knowledge.
Multiple training and certification programs are available if you want to further your knowledge. Some are free but most require a financial investment. I am a member of The Society of Cannabis Clinicians as an Advocate/Ally and am certified in multiple courses in their clinical training curriculum. I am also certified by Dr. Dustin Sulak in his Healer program as a trusted Cannabis and CBD advisor.
~ Peg Bascom